首先安装第一步:安装软件 安装到默认的目录下就可以的。 第二步:驱动的安装在安装好维宏卡以后,电脑会自动识别硬件 注意:先安装软件后关闭计算机,插上维宏卡,开机后就会搜索到 新硬件,如下:也可以在硬件设备管理器里手动添加驱动。 左下角会有提示,根据提示安装驱动: 1选择高级安装,在搜索中安装驱动,找到安装的原目录: C:\Program Files\NcStudio5.5.60 点击下一步:这样系统后自动安装好板卡的驱动,就可以正常使用了。这就是安装好的驱动 然后打开软件实验: 密码是 ncstudio 就可以修改厂商参数了 改完点应用 保存就可以了。ok! How to install the nc studio software? 1)install nc studio software. It just click next to Install to a default hard disc. 2)install driver of nc studio software. a) one way is turn off computer after finish the first above procedure, then plug the nc studio card to PCI slot of computer, the computer itself can find the new hard device to install the driver. b) the other way is to scan and find the new hardware from "hardware device management"(right click "my computer">"property">"hardware">"device management">"scann hard decive change"). It needs choose advanced installation to click next in the program status to install driver. 3)open nc studio software after install the driver, the passwords are "ncstudio", then you can change the manufactory and click apply and save. That is all.